Allow me to introduce myself

My story begins where my profound love of guitars crossed paths with my hobby of restoring vintage woodworking tools. After collecting and restoring a few lovely old handplanes, I wanted to use them to build something more complicated than my usual test pieces. And as I've been obsessed with guitars since my teens, the obvious choice was to build a guitar.

The first build was surprisingly good, and that spawned a new obsession with guitar construction and design. More guitar builds quickly followed, exploring new design ideas and challenging myself with better construction techniques and more complicated builds.

A few years and guitars later brings us to the present. Where I'm offering bespoke, handmade instruments based on the requirements and dreams of the player. Each guitar I create is a testament to the creativity and individuality of its owner. No two are alike because I believe that every player deserves an instrument as unique as their music.

Allow me to introduce myself